Ives Bank Cash Reserve

Ives Bank Cash Reserve

Get overdraft protection to avoid costly fees and inconvenience.

Miscalculations can happen to anyone, and they can be costly. Ives Bank's Cash Reserve covers you when a purchase is declined or your check is returned for insufficient funds. Funds from Cash Reserve are automatically transferred to cover your purchases*. This valuable service is available to customers with Priority PLUS, Priority Platinum and Priority NOW checking accounts. 

  • Save money by avoiding fees related to insufficient funds, overdrafts and uncollected checks
  • Automatic transfers from Cash Reserve are quick and convenient. Choose from flexible options that allow you to pay the minimum or pay off the entire line 

*Subject to credit approval and the Terms & Conditions of the Ives Bank Cash Reserve agreement. The Annual Percentage Rate is 12.90% and is effective as of January 9, 2019. Rates are subject to change. There is a minimum line of $1,000 and a maximum line of $5,000. No application fee. Annual fee of $50 is waived for the first year.
